Thousands of people have successfully cured thier phobias with EFT and in most cases instantly. Every phobia from spiders to cotton wool, flying to water, has been cured by using Emotional Freedom Technique.
Phobias are amongst the most extreme and intense emotional and physical reactions a person can experience and with severe cases it is recommended to find an experienced EFT Practitioner to help face your demons.
Although, if your phobia is more annoying than dibilitating you can learn the basics and try it for yourself. The best source for starting your journey into EFT is throught Gary Craig's DVD series and I also recommend Silvia Hartmans book's 'Adventures in EFT' and 'The Advanced Patterns in EFT'
If you have any wonderful EFT Miracles to share, then please email me your story and I will post it on my website. rebecca@eft-emotionalfreedomtechnique.com