An easy to learn acupressure technique could curb the tobacco-related death toll. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) addresses the root of cigarette addictions, believed to be unresolved emotional issues. Gary Craig, the Stanford-trained engineer who developed EFT, explains, “In my experience working with smokers for more than a decade, they use cigarettes to tranquilize emotions. But conventional smoking cessations programs do not address smoking addictions at the emotional level.”EFT claims an 80% success rate in reducing these emotional issues and a curbing of addictive urges are the frequent result. It can be learned freely by downloading the EFT Manual at EFT-EmotionalFreedomTechnqiue.com Recently, the American Cancer Society (ACS) predicted that tobacco will kill 1 billion people this century. Tobacco is responsible for an estimated 100 million deaths since 1900. According to John Seffrin, chief executive officer of the ACS, reducing tobacco use would have the single largest effect on global cancer rates.“Despite dire warnings that more than half of current smokers will die, only 16% of smokers quit successfully using conventional methods,” says Craig. “In my experience, this is because emotional healing is not addressed in smoking cessation programs. When smokers use EFT to address depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, grief, and fear – the emotional drivers that fuel their cigarette addiction - their need to self-tranquilize diminishes. We also use EFT to minimize the discomfort, and the tendency to overeat that can be associated with cigarette withdrawal.”According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, sponsor of the world’s most visited natural health website “Researchers are actually documenting neurochemical effects which support the concept that cigarettes may actually be a drug that smokers are using to treat their underlying chronic anxiety and depression.“One of the best routes to quitting smoking is through complete abstinence,” says Dr. Mercola. “This means cold turkey and not gradual reduction. But that can be tough for anyone. That's why I recommend using energy psychology tools. I find Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), to be highly effective.” Dr. Mercola has been using EFT successfully since 2001 to help his patients quit smoking and adhere to healthier lifestyle choices.Dr. Inci Erkin, a medical doctor in Turkey, worked with a patient who was a heavy smoker, unable to quit. While doing EFT together, Dr. Erkin’s patient realized that his heavy smoking was emotionally linked to his father’s death from respiratory problems. He remembered being at his father’s deathbed, and despite his desire to kiss his father goodbye, he was repulsed that his father smelled like an ashtray. Nicotine was escaping from his father’s pores and the smell made him nauseous. He ran from the room without a proper goodbye. He smoked heavily for the next ten years.According to Dr. Erkin, “Thus being a heavy smoker and smelling badly, was a way of punishing himself.”Having identified the core emotional issue driving his cigarette addiction, Dr. Erkin worked with her patient using EFT. “It took us about 90 minutes in one session and he quit smoking right then - throwing his last pack in the garbage box. What is most important, however, is that he now feels good because he got over that feeling of guilt, which he did not recognize before, but was disturbing him at a subconscious level.”Anybody can learn to use EFT to eliminate cigarette cravings and even to quit smoking entirely. Gary Craig explains, “Smokers generally expect to fail when they set out to quit. But when they use EFT, most experience an instant reduction in their cigarette craving. Their level of hope increases as their cravings decrease. If they persistently use EFT to address the emotional component of their addiction, they are likely to have a high success rate.”If smoking cessation programs incorporated the proper use of EFT, Craig predicts that their success rate would be about between 50 and 80 percent - instead of the current 84% failure rate.Over 325,000 people have downloaded Craig’s free training manual and another 10,000 download it each month. Known as The EFT Manual, it has been translated by volunteer practitioners into nine languages. The EFT website is the fifth most actively visited natural health site in the world.The EFT Manual gives anyone all the basics so they can apply it right away. It can be freely downloaded at… emofree.com
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